Season 5, Episode 3
Videography In Marketing

Feb 5, 2024

Video makes up 65% of all content online, but how can one format account for such a large percentage of content on the internet? There are many different types of videos, all of which have different strengths when trying to achieve specific outcomes.

Video makes up 65% of all content online, but how can one format account for such a large percentage of content on the internet? There are many different types of videos, all of which have different strengths when trying to achieve specific outcomes.

On today’s episode of Marketing Matters, Morgan and Sarah discuss videography for marketing. We’ll focus on all the different types of videos within B2B marketing along with their strengths and weaknesses. We will end with some budget-friendly tips for incorporating videos into your content strategy.


  • What are the different types of videography in B2B marketing?
  • When should you use each type of video?
  • Where should you implement these different forms of videos?
  • What are the pros and cons of the different types of videography?
  • How can you be budget-friendly when implementing videos into your content strategy?

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Marketing Matters is brought to you by ADV Marketing  

Sarah Roberts
We’re excited to be bringing you this podcast produced by our company, ADV Marketing. ADV Marketing develops high quality and cost-effective marketing materials for a wide range of businesses. Our relationship driven business model and customized marketing solutions makes us the perfect partner for small businesses looking to grow. I’m Sarah, creative director at Marketing. Join me here with the rest of my team on marketing matters every other Monday to discuss business to business marketing topics. Now let’s get into the episode.
Morgan Hutcherson
Hi everyone. Welcome back to Marketing Matters, the podcast where we talk about all things marketing and how it relates to your business. I’m one of your hosts. Morgan joined here with Sarah.
Sarah Roberts
Hello, everyone.
Morgan Hutcherson
Yeah, and Sarah today I’m really excited about this episode because I feel like it’s something that I’ve really gotten into these last few months and it’s videography.
Sarah Roberts
Fun and we’re going to do types, right?  And then we’re talking about pros and cons of each because there’s actually like with videography, it is such a wide spanning thing and you can really do so much based off your budget and your resources and the time that you have and what content you already have made. It’s a really good way to reiterate content.
Morgan Hutcherson
But I feel like a lot of people don’t realize the different types. They just think of like, I like when I first thought of videography, I had like kind of one thing set in my head and it was that little like, this company is so amazing. Like, yeah, like that you know?
Sarah Roberts
Exactly. We actually confront a lot of clients who think that when we say, we can do video as part of your content management plan and they’re like, that’s like one thing you can do, you can only mean one thing when you say video, but we can actually mean a lot of different things. And videos are nice because they do make up. I think the last thing I saw was like 60% to 70% of all content on the internet or something like that because it’s so widespread. And that really has been like over the past few years. And it has to do with Tik Tok and short-term videos and reels and like all of those things, just that growth has really spurred on like people expect video content in a lot of ways, and video content can take many shapes and forms.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
So, in this first section we’re getting, we’re going to talk about different types and we have seven types that we’re going to talk about. And so, we’re each going to explain a few of the types and we’re going to talk about what it is. The typical format. So, like the length, if there’s any specific requirements that have to go with that, the appropriate distribution channels, because not all videos are made the same, like you don’t post the same thing you post on LinkedIn as you do on a Tik Tok. So that’s very different. So, we’ll talk about those and the pros and cons of each. So, we’re going to go through seven different types and I will start, are we ready?
Morgan Hutcherson
Yes, let’s rapid fire.
Sarah Roberts
So first we have corporate videos and this is that typical example that Morgan was talking about. This is a typical example of videos. This usually includes a voiceover and background music and stage sets and lots of production investment there’s lots of different angles that go into this. There’s a well-rehearsed speaker if there’s a speaker at all. Otherwise, it’s a compilation of B-roll, which is, I don’t know what B-roll stands for, but it’s the generic footage that you get walking around the factory or just general shots of people working, stuff like that.
So, it’s all a mix of that they’re very time intensive, resource intensive. They take a lot of practice because not everyone can just sit in front of video and talk, well. Some people get camera shy, even if they’re wonderful speakers in person. The camera does something to you. So that takes a lot of practice. There’s usually a script and there might even be a teleprompter.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
So, it has a lot to it. There’s a lot of moving parts with this one. These are great for very controlled messaging. Like if you want a very specific message about your company that looks very sleek and clean, these are great. You would not want to do more than like a couple because they’re very time intensive. And the ones you make, you’d want to use over and over and over again on all the platforms. And you can reformat them in separate ways depending on what like social media platform you want to post it on. They’re really great on websites.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
So, like putting that on a home page, landing page, that kind of thing, making it available on like YouTube and all that good.
Morgan Hutcherson
Yeah, it can go on an about page even you just showcase what your company’s about.
Sarah Roberts
Yeah. If you have a specific product or service you’re pushing, those are really great for that too. So, it just conveys a lot of information in one. So that’s mine. Now it’s your turn.
Morgan Hutcherson
Okay, I got explainer videos and these are typically like walking through a service or product or how to use your product. I have kind of seen them really heavily produced and like a lot of voiceovers or a lot of clips. And then also people can just sit there in front of the camera and just be like, this is how we would use this product. So, kind of just depends on what exactly you want to do with it. Really length depends on what the product and the service is. If you want to show how to apply this product, then it’s going to be a little bit longer. But if you’re just like, let’s walk through the service and how it would be used, it can be shorter format. Then appropriate distribution channels, I see these a lot being used on website and LinkedIn.
Sarah Roberts
Morgan Hutcherson
LinkedIn, it’s great if you’re wanting to discuss that product and then website. It’s great if you have a page talking about that product or services and you want to just have more detail for your viewer.
Sarah Roberts
Yeah, they’re very informational.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
Like very, very educational. They’re not there to like market a brand.
Morgan Hutcherson
Yeah. So that’s why I think you kind of have to be careful with why you use it on LinkedIn because it can get a little
Sarah Roberts
Morgan Hutcherson
Yeah. So, but if people are wanting that information, they’re great. And if you know that people don’t know fully what your services or what your product is used for and you want to use that, it’s a great way to do it.
Sarah Roberts
Yes, that’s like in the late funnel stages when they’re like, I’m really, really interested. I just need to know a little bit more about how it fits into my standard operating procedures. You send them these videos, it’s a great way to digest them.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
Okay.  That was explainer videos, I now have project highlight videos. Project highlight videos are a video form of case studies, so you can even take case studies and turn them into project highlight videos. They’re really nice for companies with like a portfolio of projects or a portfolio of content around certain projects. They’re easiest, if you have a product that can be taken pictures of or taken footage of. So, it’s pretty hard to do project highlight videos for like a service because that would be stock footage heavy because you can’t really film most services unless you like film an Excel spreadsheet, I guess for some things which not would not be the most engaging video or yeah, it would really have to be that because it’s really about case studies. If you do have pictures of these cases or these projects, it’s really great to put together and it’s just another way to highlight the case. The cases that you’ve done, the success of clients and all the good things, and these are really great for like the influencing consideration and then getting in front of people and building credibility and all that.
Morgan Hutcherson
Yes. Next up, we have montages. So, this is pretty low budget actually, because really all you need is photos or very, very short video clips and you’re kind of just put them all together. So, it’s really easy for just any marketer to use that has any video editing background and you don’t really have to do voiceover. You can if you want, but typically they’re just pictures with a little bit of music behind it. If you wanted to showcase like a service and do a bunch photo of a service, you can do that product, photos, all that stuff. And really appropriate distribution channels. I feel like LinkedIn newsletters, short form content.
Sarah Roberts
Yeah, newsletters are a good one. You can put together a montage of lots of good things
Morgan Hutcherson
Yeah, I feel like they don’t go as well on the websites because it doesn’t give you as much information.
Sarah Roberts
No that’s just a way to like promote your content another way. But I mean, they could always be available on YouTube and you probably would want them available on some sort of streaming service. But anyway, okay, cool. Now I have short form videos. Short form videos, and how I’m defining them for this situation are like snippets of videos. They’re super, super short, like seconds short, and they don’t go anywhere except like on your LinkedIn and I’m going to focus on LinkedIn. But they’re also like, Great, for Facebook and Instagram. I guess TikTok, you would want like some sort of explanation with it. But anyway.
Morgan Hutcherson
Or this isn’t really like marketing, but if you’re designing a website and you want to use them as a background or like a decorative piece.
Sarah Roberts
Yeah, it’s that. And it’s a way to catch attention and make a social media post a little bit different. So, it’s not just a static picture. They tend to get better. Do they get better engagement? Maybe they get better impressions. They just like reach more people.
Morgan Hutcherson
That’s because on LinkedIn, if it’s a short-term video and it’s under 20 seconds, LinkedIn will loop it.
Sarah Roberts
Yes. And it’s the same. So, this is like another consumer behavior thing. If you haven’t seen our consumer behavior episode at the beginning of the season, check it out. But one of the things that humans are automatically geared towards noticing is movement because like if there’s a snake in the grass, you would want to notice that as a survival technique. So, using that like cue and moving things on social media captures your attention more. So, if you’re incorporating videos on your social media, then it’s just more eye catching. Just as like a consumer behavior kind of thing. And drone footage is really, really great for this because drone footage is really interesting and people really like to see like the bird’s eye view because it’s visually appealing. So, if you break up drone footage in the short form and just do like a couple of seconds of really solid drone footage, you have like really great content and a really good way to boost your social media without like having to do too much. It’s very budget friendly because you already have the drone footage that’s if you already had the drone footage, once you make that initial investment, you can use it a thousand different ways, but definitely not something you want to put on your website. It’s not for that. Well, unless it’s a background, unless it’s a design element, this is really more about social media.  
Morgan Hutcherson
Next is podcast, and I feel like a lot of people don’t think about it as a video, but this if you’re watching it on YouTube right now, it’s a video.
Sarah Roberts
It does count.
Morgan Hutcherson
So obviously more produced because you got to get through all this editing, you got to get the lighting, the camera, all that, but it’s really simple to do because it’s just two people talking or one person talking, whatever you want for it. Distribution channels, a lot of people put podcasts on their website on a page, so website for sure, promote it on LinkedIn and other social media channels. You could do it in a newsletter. If you have a new episode coming out and you want to showcase that. Anything else with the content types?
Sarah Roberts
They’re really nice to have like a video or I guess if you’re doing audio, it still counts as like a video blog in a way, because it’s recurring content, it’s consistent and it’s updating your website regularly. So, it’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone in terms of like you regularly putting out content through a podcast video, they are more time intensive and you have to figure out what format works for you.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
This is true. I like podcasting, obviously I’m here.
Morgan Hutcherson
But we also do shorter podcasts.
Sarah Roberts
Yes. Which is the format that fits us.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
So that’s podcasting. Next picture stories. Picture stories are a form of a montage. They’re a specific, kind of montage. Picture stories are great If you have literally nothing but want to start doing video and you have pictures of something, you can put together montages and do a story with that and just lay out the different stages like the beginning, middle and end using specific pictures. You just have to get good about taking pictures when your people are out doing things or in your projects. It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy because picture stories can be like iPhone photos. That’s hard to say. And so it can be that, they shouldn’t be terrible. But you can use a lot of different kinds because it is a montage and you’re pulling together lots of different types of media. It’s more forgiving and it’s a lot more budget friendly. Definitely put these on LinkedIn for sure, and the newsletters are really great. They’re just a different way to communicate information and they don’t have to be about projects, but it’s a great way to do a project, highlight video, stuff like that. So, the production is really like it’s an easy gateway into doing videos for the first time. Okay, those are the seven types.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
How fun?
Morgan Hutcherson
It was a lot.
Sarah Roberts
It was a lot. But we’re going to wrap up this section and when we come back, we’re going to talk about how to be even more budget friendly with your videography and some tips and tricks to choose specific types of videos and get started in a way that doesn’t just spend all your budget on one video. So, we’ll be right back. Welcome back, guys. Now we’re going to talk about our tips for budget friendly videography, because let’s be with videography you can get like can really get carried away with spending. That’s why agencies are nice because they already have that equipment. You don’t have to buy specific, individualized equipment and you can really pool your resources in a more effective way. If I could just make that plug right there. But videography really dees. If you don’t set limits for yourself, it can get really, really expensive because the equipment is so expensive and time consuming because there’s a lot of planning that goes into certain types of videos. So, it can be really resource intensive, but there’s also really budget friendly ways to do it. And here’s some of those ways. Use what you have. I promise you have something that can be turned into a video, whether it’s a project, highlight, a picture story, a montage, something. If you have you can even do an animation like that counts as a video too, and you can find someone who does the animation or you can just animate some text across a picture. There’s really there’s really good ways to not make it look cheap and still accomplish the I want a video objective. You just have to be really intentional about what you’re saying and how you’re using it. Case studies and project highlights are really great entry point for this because you’re already telling a story through a case study or project highlight and videos really mesh well with story friendly content.
Okay, so use what you have. That’s my first recommendation. Don’t just be like I need a whole new camera for a whole new type of video I’ve never done before.
Morgan Hutcherson
Even if you don’t have pictures, but you’re like we have this really cool job coming up. Just take your phone and take the pictures and then send them over to your marketing people and be like, hey, make me a little video.
Sarah Roberts
True that short form videos are the next budget friendly advice that I have, short form is really, really accessible because like Morgan said, you can use your iPhone for short form video. You don’t need anything special. It’s short, so it’s minimal editing. You don’t have to sit there for hours going over and over the same ten-minute video. As you can probably tell, I’ve done this before. It is a time suck because you really have to get things right when you’re ending a longer video like one of those corporate videos. So shorter videos don’t require as much editing and they look very authentic if you post them in the right channel. Usually, LinkedIn because they’re shorter and they’re usually your point of view. So, you can have like real life commentary on it and it’s more relatable to people. So don’t shy away from the short form use and reuse videos. Don’t spend what, like 1200 dollars on a really great video and then never use it more than once. They are very much worth using over and over again because you invested that much into them. You can split them up. If they’re compatible with that. You can do certain content types, you can split them up through an article, which is really great. You could do that, make it last because you invested in it. So, make it last year.
Morgan Hutcherson
Even your cheaper budget friendly ones like we’re talking about. You can always re-use a short form video. If you’re doing it of like a construction project and you’re like actually, I really like this construction project. I like this aspect of it. I want to go make a post about something related to it.
Sarah Roberts
How they saved the trees. Or how they protected the landscaping.
Morgan Hutcherson
Yeah. Or like, if it’s an office and you’re like, we’ll do a post about the project itself, the office building. But then you know what? Let’s just do another generic post about offices and like, we’ll use a clip from that video as stuff as B-roll.
Sarah Roberts
That’s a simple and honestly, using the short form stuff of your own stuff really does do better than stock footage. And stock footage is really enticing because it’s like right there and it looks all nice, but it’s very rarely relatable to you or your business.
Morgan Hutcherson
Yeah, also if you want guidance, Adobe Stock has video templates. If you have photos and you can just put them into that if you know how to use Premiere Pro and all that.
Sarah Roberts
Which you might not, I wouldn’t blame you for not being able to use premier pro
Morgan Hutcherson
That’s more like the more advanced thing, not the like business person doing marketing.
Sarah Roberts
Yeah, that is not the easiest software, but if you know how to use it, leverage that, for sure. Okay. So those are our budget friendly tips. We really like talking about videography. Obviously, we sit here and do podcast and then we also do our own videos. So, we know firsthand that it is not that easy to sit on the other side of a camera and speak, something about the camera
Morgan Hutcherson
Yeah, something about the camera. And I mean, even when you’re creating short list and knowing how much goes into that, like we understand it and we can help you.
Sarah Roberts
Yeah, for sure. And the camera eye is really intimidating.
Morgan Hutcherson
Sarah Roberts
So, it’s really funny when you put someone who hasn’t been in front of a camera before in front of a camera like our clients, and they’re like, I don’t know where to look. It feels very intimidating. He’s needs to look at the camera, breaking the wall, which, you know, you’re not really supposed to break the wall except in these kinds of videos. When we are talking directly to you. Okay. So those are our tips and our definitions for the different types of ways that you can incorporate videography into your messaging. Be sure to subscribe for our next few episodes. We have really fun content topics coming up that we’re going to talk about in our podcast. Please give us feedback. Tell us how we’re doing and we’ll see you guys soon.
Morgan Hutcherson
Thanks. Bye, everyone.

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